1.《黑寡妇》 5月7日2. 《沙丘》 10月1日3. 《毒液2:***开始》6月25日4.《法兰西特派》2021年待定5. 《速度与***9》 5月28日6. 《王牌特工:源起》 3月12日7.《007:无暇赴死》4月2日8.《黑客帝国4》 12月22日9.《新·福音战士剧场版:终》 1月23日10.《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来3》12月17日
The Skeleton Key is about a 25-year old girl Caroline Ellis.
She decides to quit her job in a hospital and gets a job as a caretaker living in a plantation home in Terrebone Parish, Louisiana.
She soon discovers the scary attic in the house, with all sorts of hoodoo recipes, spells, books, etc.
She starts to investigate and question Violet, the owner of the house, about the secrets.
But if she believes in what she discovers, it will all become real!